samedi 28 juin 2014

the Divergent series, i've read the first book "Divergent" in 2011 when it first appears, and then "Insurgent" in 2012, but i didn't get the chance to read "Allegiant" when it appears in 2013, i just got it now and i decided to reread the two first books before i attack it.
The hunger with wich i devour these books is incredible, i finished "Divergent" in two days and i'm almost half through "Insurgent". VR never stops amazing me she's an incredible writer, i'm looking forward to start "Allegiant" as soon as i can.
 I wanted to write a review about "Divergent" but couldn't, the book speaks for itself i really didn't find it in me, coz every fact, every detail, every turn in the story was just what it should be no more no less, the characters were all great and fit in the appropriate roles, the main idea of the factions was brilliant and unique, it describes the conflicts that we live everyday with our selves at the first place and then with each others, with divergent i've learned a lot of things, how to be brave not by throwing your self in front of danger, but being brave to face our fears, problems, and obstacles, to study every situation before acting, to give while i can, help others, and be honest with myself first, i've learned about respect and compassion, love and friendship ....
 i could read these books more than once or twice and i'm sure every time it will amaze me like it did the first time;
 The passage to the second book was very smooth as if we just turned the page to continue and didn't wait for a whole year to open a new book. As far as i've arrived i'm still happy and eager for more, i don't think i'll be able to stop babbling about this, but yeah i'll try.
One more thing (that i just remembered), I LOVE the actors choosen for the roles in the "Divergent" movie, they are exactly what i've imagined while reading the book the first time, especially: Tris, Four, and Christina.
TRIS (shailene woodley)  & FOUR (Theo James)

mardi 24 juin 2014

Mon meilleur ennemiMon meilleur ennemi by Deborah Blumenthal
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Ok je vais pas dire que ce livre était une merveille ni qu'il est unique, la vérité: c'est une histoire ordinaire qu'on peut tous savoir la fin dés le début, une femme qui vit une vie paisible avec son petit-ami, soudain l'element déclencheur est là ils se séparent, elle déprime pour un bout de temps et hop elle se trouve "head over heels" comme on dit en anglais avec la dérnière personne qu'elle aurait pensé aimer si ce n'était pas son ennemie, son adversaire, ou parfois son meilleur ami.
Pour moi c'est juste un perd-temps pas plus, et malgrés ça j'ai décidé de le terminer jusqu'à bout même si je tentais plusieurs fois à le fermer pour du bon. D'ailleur je sursautait des lignes et des lignes lorsqu'il s'agit de lamenter Chris, je pense qu'ils auraient bien du nomé ce livre mon meilleur ex-copain au lieu de mon meilleur ennemi parceque du titre et du petit résumé à la quatrième de page je m'attendais à me perdre en une rivalité acharnée entre Jenny et Slaid pleine de défi et de romance biensure puisqu'il s'agit d'un livre de la collection "Red Dress" chose qui m'a encourgée à le lire en premier lieu puisque ma première experience avec cette collection était superbe, alors aulieu de ça je me suis trouvé avec un livre que dans les deux premiers tiers on ne parle qu'àpropos de Chris et des doutes de Jenny, c'étais insupportable franchement je tournais page après page en m'attendant qu'elle va tourner elle aussi la page de Chris chose qu'il fallait faire après les premières cents pages. Mais bon y a pas que de bons histoires il faut de temps en temps tomber sur quelques unes comme ça pour penser à tout ces autres chefs-d'oeuvre qu'on a lu et sourire heureux d'avoir la chance de les avoir lu.

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PanicPanic by Lauren Oliver
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Okaay that was different, i liked the idea of Panic, the game of course, i'd like to be part of something like that, the wait for the next challenge not knowing what waiting for you, the personnal challenges,....
Back to the book, for me heather was the main character even if there was two points of view heather's and then dodge's, maybe because heather had learned her lesson at the end but dodge didn't stop because he was convinced that what he's doing is wrong, no he's been forced to stop.
Anyway, heather for me represent everyone of us we all live with our fears and let them stop us from changing our lives for the better, few of us has the ability to change, but not all, and here is a lesson to every one to start loving what we have and stop searching for the bad things in every thing maybe our happiness lay in the smallest things we have but we don't pay attention.
Nat & Bishop were the incarnation of friendship especialy bishop who get himself into all of this just so he can help heather, they are friends anyone will wish to have.
I've read this book in two days it was hard to put it down and go do something else but i did it anyway coz i have to, the writing was very simple and give you the courage to turn the page every time even if at some places it left the reader suspended not knowing how did they pass from here to there but in general it was a good book worth reading and full of positive messages.

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