mercredi 10 décembre 2014

Eleanor and ParkEleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

i found out that every time i want to review a book, the first sentence that i write is "this book was different", at first i thought that it became a habit, but no, the truth is that every book is different on it's own way, Eleanor & Park was another sort of different, i love the imperfection of the characters, the fact that they don't belong together but found a way to be with each other, this true innocent love is what we need and they do remind me of it, it was really a great thing reading this book especially with the two point of view, we knew what both of them think in the same time, that was exciting.
i also loved the fact that the story is held in the 80's it makes the events very simple and nostalgic, it makes me think of this time when there was no cell phones or computers when you should meet with the person to have a descent conversation, that makes the relationships more solid and warm.
this book was heart warming and makes me smile a lot, i hope to find more books as this one, it'll be really great.

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dimanche 7 décembre 2014

Song of the FirefliesSong of the Fireflies by J.A. Redmerski
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book was unique;
I believe that Elias and Bray were both screwed everyone in his own way, Brayel and her bipolar disorder was not different from Elias even if he wasn't diagnosed, but i think his illness was Bray herself or the way he loved her, i can't say that i didn't loved that book but only not that much, it's a story of screwed love and i'm not into that kind of stories;
what i loved so much instead was Bray and Elias's childhood, those two reckless kids who grew up together loving each other and making trouble together were great to mee, also, the cross-over between this story and Camryn & Andrew's was fantastic, i've never seen somthing like this i mean yeah between shows, series or movies, but in books it's a first and i was like "are you kidding me aren't these two Camryn & Andrew" before they even bring up their names.
In conclusion this book was worth every second i spent reading it, and J.A Redmerski is an amazing talented and creative writer even if her heroins are somehow all screwed but still she's capable of bringing out the best of each one of her characters and her stories always teach us something espicialy to keep dreaming, have faith and be hopeful.

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vendredi 17 octobre 2014

since i've put my eyes on this Box and i'm like: oh god please i want one, unfortunately i didn't YET.
Anyway as i was saying this Box took my mind away add to it the movie that i've seen maybe four or five times since it's out on february and you'll end up with a stupid me falling all over again for these books and their characters. 
So i decided to reread the whole series, i'm already on the third book and it's just four days since i've started, although I already know the story it gives me pleasure to read it again to redo the acquaintance of these characters that i love so much to revisit Saint-Vladimir and the society of Moroi and Dhampir.
Rose (or Roza as i always pronounce it while reading) is my favorite supernatural character so far, she's a badass that i love, she's different from all the heroins in all the books that i've read before, her craziness melted with some martial arts knowledge, her sence of duty add to it her bitchy mouth and you got the perfect girl, thank you Zoe Deutch for not ruining her character.

 Speaking of characters they were all great, each one of them got something that makes him special, Lissa's kindness, Christian's sarcasm, Dimitri's powerfull personality (even if the actor looks older  than 24 but he got it right he's Russian after all), Adrian's craziness who is by the way the perfect match for rose, i loved them together even if it didn't work between them, (i wish it did), . . .
the whole lot was perfect and make this series one of the best vampire's series i've read.
In hope to got a second movie i'll keep to reading and waiting.

I couldn't stop myself from sharing this:

My dearest Rose,
One of the few downsides to being awakened is that we no longer require sleep; therefore we also no longer dream. It's a shame, because if I could dream, I know I'd dream about you. I'd dream about the way you smell and how your dark hair feels like silk between my fingers. I'd dream about the smoothness of your skin and the fierceness of your lips when we kiss.
Without dreams, I have to be content with my own imagination– which is almost as good. I can picture all of those things perfectly, as well as how it'll be when I take your life from this world.
It's something I regret having to do, but you've made my choice inevitable. Your refusal to join me in eternal life and love leaves no other course of action, and I can't allow someone as dangerous as you to live. Besides, even if I forced your awakening, you now have so many enemies among the Strigoi that one of them would kill you. If you must die, it'll be by my hand. No one else's.
Nonetheless, I wish you well today as you take your trials–not that you need any luck. If they're actually making you take them, it's a waste of everyone's time. You're the best in that group, and by this evening you'll wear your promise mark. Of course, that means you'll be all that much more of a challenge when we meet again–which I'll definitely enjoy.
And we will be meeting again. With graduation, you'll be turned out of the Academy, and once you're outside the wards, I'll find you. There is no place in this world you can hide from me. I'm watching.

for everyone who have already read the series well you know what it is, and if you hadn't then this is one of the Love-Threat letters Dimitri keeps sending to Rose in the 5th book "Spirit Bound".


dimanche 7 septembre 2014

The Edge of Always (The Edge of Never, #2)The Edge of Always by J.A. Redmerski
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

"because we only have one life. We get one shot at making it worth living. We took our shot and ran like hell with it.
And i think we did pretty damn good."
These are some of the last words of Andrew Parish not the last as in he dies after but the last in term of their story, i loved this rebelious couple since the day they meet on that bus, but i didn't expect their journey to be a lesson in life, yes as i've said before when reviewing the first book, these two people changed my life, as theire story goes on also does my life but in a different light and with new purposes.
But this time i don't agree with them, we don't have only one shot in life instead we have so many and the thing is that we need to choose the best, even if this book wasn't as exciting as the first one but still it brings a lot with it too and that what keeps me going till the last page, hope is the most important thing in this book, fore me at least, hope of a better future, better life.... It makes you accept that life isn't always about rainbows and butterflies, but still if you got hope you'll get trough and you'll be better.
I won't say i'm sad coz this story is over, but i'm excited that Andrew and Camryn got theire happy ending and i'm also eager to start another story by J.A Redmerski.

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dimanche 27 juillet 2014

The Edge of Never (The Edge of Never, #1)The Edge of Never by J.A. Redmerski
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

All i'm thinking about right now is if i could pack a backpack put on my sneakers and take off, not for the same reasons as camryn, but we all need to take a pause sometimes, i believe in recklessness in life in seeking adventure and testing our limits, i'm an adventurous person by nature so this story was very tempting to me and make me wonder about how much adventure i'm willing to try, what are my limits...
It makes me question the way i'm spending my life, how do we live to answer other people expectations and ignore ours, accept the present as it is coz it's what we are supposed to do, It makes me wonder about a lot of things college, work, family, freedom, sacrifice, trust, friendship, love,...
I'm not going to talk about the characters or the story, i love cam & andrew as everybody of course but i'm more absorbed in the messages lying between the days of theire journey together, in the hope they give us, with them i learned to be myself never mind people, i learned to say what i feel and what i want without hesitation (that was already me but people keep saying that's the worst about me: i don't care anymore), i learned to let go and to get fresh starts, i learned to be careful, to see the good in people, to try, to never surrender, to keep dreaming, to love,...
I've read a lot of books but this is one of those books that marks your life and changes you, i'll always be greatful for reading this book And i hope the rest of cam & andrew's story will be as refreshing as theire beginning and that it will teach us more and more.

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mercredi 16 juillet 2014

Allegiant (Divergent, #3)Allegiant by Veronica Roth
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I was desappointed, yes it was beneath my expectations and to tell the truth i don't like it, VR was just writing a third book and totaly ruin it and converge from the two first books,
i think the story should have ended with Tris and her friends getting out of chicago, but getting into details in that matter just ruin it for me and for all my friends who have read Allegiant.
And what about death serum!! And Tris having the ability to survive it!! VR make her into a kind of super hero and not just the girl who had preference for more than one faction, i think the main idea of the factions and Tris or Tobias or the other divergent having the strength to fight the serums and be aware during simulations was mind tricks to show us that people can be more than one thing that we have the ability to choose what we want to do and who we want to be, but seriously death serum it must be some kind of poison how could she survive it !!!!
I'd like to think that the story of Tris and her friends have ended when they left the fence they could have discovered a new world with new opportunities or a ruined one where they could have made a difference but not the end VR choosed to tell us, but still she is an amazing writter who should be valued for her good works, divergent will be always one of my "best books ever" and i'm looking forward to her new releases.

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samedi 28 juin 2014

the Divergent series, i've read the first book "Divergent" in 2011 when it first appears, and then "Insurgent" in 2012, but i didn't get the chance to read "Allegiant" when it appears in 2013, i just got it now and i decided to reread the two first books before i attack it.
The hunger with wich i devour these books is incredible, i finished "Divergent" in two days and i'm almost half through "Insurgent". VR never stops amazing me she's an incredible writer, i'm looking forward to start "Allegiant" as soon as i can.
 I wanted to write a review about "Divergent" but couldn't, the book speaks for itself i really didn't find it in me, coz every fact, every detail, every turn in the story was just what it should be no more no less, the characters were all great and fit in the appropriate roles, the main idea of the factions was brilliant and unique, it describes the conflicts that we live everyday with our selves at the first place and then with each others, with divergent i've learned a lot of things, how to be brave not by throwing your self in front of danger, but being brave to face our fears, problems, and obstacles, to study every situation before acting, to give while i can, help others, and be honest with myself first, i've learned about respect and compassion, love and friendship ....
 i could read these books more than once or twice and i'm sure every time it will amaze me like it did the first time;
 The passage to the second book was very smooth as if we just turned the page to continue and didn't wait for a whole year to open a new book. As far as i've arrived i'm still happy and eager for more, i don't think i'll be able to stop babbling about this, but yeah i'll try.
One more thing (that i just remembered), I LOVE the actors choosen for the roles in the "Divergent" movie, they are exactly what i've imagined while reading the book the first time, especially: Tris, Four, and Christina.
TRIS (shailene woodley)  & FOUR (Theo James)

mardi 24 juin 2014

Mon meilleur ennemiMon meilleur ennemi by Deborah Blumenthal
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Ok je vais pas dire que ce livre était une merveille ni qu'il est unique, la vérité: c'est une histoire ordinaire qu'on peut tous savoir la fin dés le début, une femme qui vit une vie paisible avec son petit-ami, soudain l'element déclencheur est là ils se séparent, elle déprime pour un bout de temps et hop elle se trouve "head over heels" comme on dit en anglais avec la dérnière personne qu'elle aurait pensé aimer si ce n'était pas son ennemie, son adversaire, ou parfois son meilleur ami.
Pour moi c'est juste un perd-temps pas plus, et malgrés ça j'ai décidé de le terminer jusqu'à bout même si je tentais plusieurs fois à le fermer pour du bon. D'ailleur je sursautait des lignes et des lignes lorsqu'il s'agit de lamenter Chris, je pense qu'ils auraient bien du nomé ce livre mon meilleur ex-copain au lieu de mon meilleur ennemi parceque du titre et du petit résumé à la quatrième de page je m'attendais à me perdre en une rivalité acharnée entre Jenny et Slaid pleine de défi et de romance biensure puisqu'il s'agit d'un livre de la collection "Red Dress" chose qui m'a encourgée à le lire en premier lieu puisque ma première experience avec cette collection était superbe, alors aulieu de ça je me suis trouvé avec un livre que dans les deux premiers tiers on ne parle qu'àpropos de Chris et des doutes de Jenny, c'étais insupportable franchement je tournais page après page en m'attendant qu'elle va tourner elle aussi la page de Chris chose qu'il fallait faire après les premières cents pages. Mais bon y a pas que de bons histoires il faut de temps en temps tomber sur quelques unes comme ça pour penser à tout ces autres chefs-d'oeuvre qu'on a lu et sourire heureux d'avoir la chance de les avoir lu.

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PanicPanic by Lauren Oliver
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Okaay that was different, i liked the idea of Panic, the game of course, i'd like to be part of something like that, the wait for the next challenge not knowing what waiting for you, the personnal challenges,....
Back to the book, for me heather was the main character even if there was two points of view heather's and then dodge's, maybe because heather had learned her lesson at the end but dodge didn't stop because he was convinced that what he's doing is wrong, no he's been forced to stop.
Anyway, heather for me represent everyone of us we all live with our fears and let them stop us from changing our lives for the better, few of us has the ability to change, but not all, and here is a lesson to every one to start loving what we have and stop searching for the bad things in every thing maybe our happiness lay in the smallest things we have but we don't pay attention.
Nat & Bishop were the incarnation of friendship especialy bishop who get himself into all of this just so he can help heather, they are friends anyone will wish to have.
I've read this book in two days it was hard to put it down and go do something else but i did it anyway coz i have to, the writing was very simple and give you the courage to turn the page every time even if at some places it left the reader suspended not knowing how did they pass from here to there but in general it was a good book worth reading and full of positive messages.

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mercredi 28 mai 2014

La Revanche D'une BruneLa Revanche D'une Brune by Melissa Senate
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

D'accord, j'ai terminé ce livre hier ou plutot ce matin puisque je m y suis collée jusqu'à 6h30 du matin. Fallait avoir un peu de repos et maintenant que je suis en pleine forme, les idées bien rangées je suis prête à en parler.
Alors d'où je vais commencer de la stupide Abby, de sa vie de merde, ou des crimes qui tentent la mettre en prison?! Malgrés sa naiveté, plutot que stupidité j'ai trop aimé le caractère d'Abby qui ne voit de mal en personne, prête à faire tout pour ses amis et sa famille. Le tout dans le tout m'a trop plu l'enchainement des faits, le suspense de deviner le tueure, que je voyait en tout le monde puisque personne n'avait devoilé ses intentions directes sauf Roger biensure. Ben le filc tjrs en avance qu'Abby m'a plu aussi puisqu'il n'avait pas brisé son coeur et surtout pour rester proffesionnel, meme s'il aurai surement remarqué qu'elle avait un faible pour lui, c'est un type malin après tout.
Le style d'ecriture était simple aussi et te donne l'envie de tourner les pages encore et encore.
Enfin je pense que c'est mon genre se style, même si j'ai l'habitude de me mettre dans des "Young Adult" "Young Adult Fiction" et ces trucs là en faite les romans policiers (c'est là ou je classe ce livre) j'en ai lu que 2 avant et ça c'est le troisième il est un peu différent mais n'empeche y'a des flics dedans, un crime, ... Vous comprenez.
P.S: je crois que si tous les livres de "red dress" collection sont assez bon je m'y attaquerai successivement.

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dimanche 18 mai 2014

UnravelUnravel by Calia Read
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was like no other book i've read before, at first i tought it may be like the vanishing game playing some mind tricks with you the whole way to the end but this, it was epic i was so absorbed in Naomie's story her love and sacrifice for her friend Lana, Max the charmingj gentelmen who's also sacrificing his career to help them and stand by them her pain every thing i was trying to find a loop hole in there something that may explain why she'is admited at Fairfax at the first place, when it arrived at her break down after Lana tempted suicide i've been like : that's it the poor girl can't take it anymore she's so upset she had a breakdown. But when i turned the page a whole new story folded before me. The time when i've come to understand that it was all playing in her mind and that from the beginnig she was telling her story not Lana's and that Lana exists only in her mind i was as if struck by lightning, and i was like: you stupid girl you should have understand it from the beginnig there was always something to lead to an assumption but her story was really good that you get absorbed in it forgeting any rational toughts.
At last ii believe that Naomie has been a strong girl and she deserves to be happy, i'm happy for her to have someone like Lachlan to stand by her and keep that tiny bit of sanity she still have from fading away.

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lundi 7 avril 2014

Origin (Lux, #4)Origin by Jennifer L. Armentrout
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

that was epic,kind of a startling end but i was happy with it and seriously just throwing Kaydan and Anna's names there makes it for me two sets of my favorite caracters in the same book that's awesome, Jennifer L. Armentrout is the best i should say never stop amazing me.

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