mardi 10 novembre 2015

Accidental It GirlAccidental It Girl by Libby Street
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It's been a while since i took a book in one setting;
this book, even if i found it at first a little dull but it didn't disappoint, i leterally stayed up until 6am squeezing the hell out of my eyes and giggling uncontrollably at the dialogues and hilarious comments Sadie throw every time,Ethan seems to me like a bored celebrity who doesn't have much to do with his life so he took Sadie as a distraction following her around and turning her life into hell but as he said himself at the beginning "What goes around, comes around" he only didn't know that he'll switch from stalker to a lover,i really enjoyed the plot the messages lying in there, Sadie Brook and Luke's friendship;
in sum it was a freshning book worth reading and worth the five stars i just give it.

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